Saturday 18 July 2009

Why do I have this blog again?

Weird, perhaps I really should dub this blog as the trials and tribulations of Taters and I.. as opposed to using this as a blog for random self reflection and what not. 

It's weird to me to this very day that I still seem to be semi-close to you, granted there was a point in time as you are well aware of to when I just couldn't stand you and honestly did not understand you. You know sometimes the whole "first impressions are everything" frame of mind that people have is a little off base at times and in your case it was certainly off base in accordance to me. Now I could sit and truly document a mini-timeline of the beginning stages of knowing you and doing it up until our current state, but I won't bore you with all that. I don't think either of us are immune or in the dark as to how things started out anyways.. so there goes that. 

I guess the purpose of me even doing this little homage to you for your b-day is to just inform you of a few things, I admit there are times when I probably am even hard to read myself. I totally own up to the fact that I don't even im you at times because rofl I just don't want to bother you or have poor timing with you. It's like for me I can't even begin to truly articulate exactly what you fully mean to me. I mean rofl I'm not like saying anything like deep here, but it's just a good thing that you are someone who has goals, ambition, and a realness that a lot of people lack. I'm telling you it's those people who have those quirky complexities that seem like the most worthwhile people in the world. As I have said at least two or three times, you may very well be a complex soul.. but that will never take away from the fact that I do believe in the fact of you being a noteworthy person. I mean I do also think your exterior is gorgeous but the interior is the same, I hope you are aware of this and all.

So all in all, I guess this is sort of a b-day post in regards to you, Taters. I showed you that one thread I have bookmarked and again to this day once every so often I look at it and sorta grin at it. I couldn't really explain why I do.. even if it so dated but it's just what happens I guess? For me even if I'm not primarily your fav. you still hold a pretty high importance to me. It's weird because others have asked me a lot about you and a lot of times about the way you come across and why you come across the way you do. And usually, I just sorta laugh at how dumb people are. It's like if you don't take an effort to get to know a person, of course you aren't going to fucking "get them".. so I feel like if most people knew you more.. than they would "get you". I mean not fully get you, because lmao I don't think you even fully get yourself but for what I know about you.. I just find you to be a hell of a person. I don't know, even when you can be up and down.. there is just something so honest about you when you really open up and what not. You know I always want you to be happy and I really hope you land up living the kind of life that makes you happy. I know there are things that have happened to you in your life, that has honestly shaped how you come across and the person that you are.. which really gives you some depth in my opinion.  I suppose in a way you are a beautiful mess? (not a mess in such a literal sense though, if you know what I am saying) Anyways..I mean I could keep going on and on here, but damn if I keep going this may come off as being a fucking love letter and I don't love you.. so no dice on that shit. Anyways, I think I am done with this now... the end of across the universe is playing on my stereo atm so that is my queue to stop writing now. Have a great b-day though, you honestly deserve it. 

Sunday 31 May 2009

The Morning After.

Last night was pretty good, long day and shit but super good. Even this morning was pretty bad ass as well, good times spent with good people in a white/black tux ensemble.. so priceless~

Anyways, this morning was really a very interesting instance. Since it was a co-ed sleepover and shit after the event, everyone was seriously up until about 5:30 then people went to sleep finally and at around 6:15 everyone was seriously out like a light... minus me and Linds so we stepped outside on Will's deck and just sat out and chilled. Then things got interesting, we had a good hour talk about shit, the future, and what not. She kept telling me that she is going to miss me the most out of anyone and how it's good that I'm one of the very few close people that she can apparently trust a lot. The conversation was good and it just made me thing a fucking lot about everything and people in my life. I'm glad that I am a good friend to her and that we don't have a conditional type of relationship (you know where it seems like the friendship is a very half assed thing from one half of the relationship and solely based on the needs/timing/requirements of one person. and for the other half the person is always availible for the person, tolerant of the conditions of the relationship, and care so much that they put up with the given bullshit of the other person even if deep down they know the other person is wrong for how they come across) she's just an honest person and is always real chill. It's like food for thought and I guess for me I'm just to the point of my life where things are changing, I'm getting older, I have a whole life ahead of me, and I'm just ready to keep going the direction I am going. I feel like life is continously getting better for me and I'm more in tune as to how to deal with certain people in my life. I just am done with the conditional nature of certain people, well it's not like a whole chain of people fall into this role but there are a few who do. I'm not saying I'm just going to say fuck you and call it a day, but as for that one sided nonsense, the effort from my end is basically null in void. There are only three people who really fall into this category, so it is what it is. The talk I had today really made me realize a lot, probably one of the better life lessons I have ever learned. Oh well, I'm going to take a nap in a few and take Linds out, since she said she wanted to go get something to eat tonight. I'll probably add to this later actually, I still need to hammer some things out from my last post/add to it.

Monday 25 May 2009

Note to self.. literally.

Note to self: A redux of thoughts/people I feel like venting about.

1. Good times are always spent between you and myself. You're by far one of the best girls I know and lol it's funny how the past always seems to come back full circle with you. It was pretty weird this weekend with the whole human kleenex gig I had to basically do with you, but I'm glad I could help you out how I did. Weird how a song I happen to loathe reminds you of me, but in this case I will let it slide. As said, I have no problem ever being there for you and always have intentions to do so for as long as its needed/wanted.

2. I'm thinking about you right now and it's very hard. Part of me will always have a tremendous amount of respect for you, but part of me is also more than aware that time is making us into partial strangers. When we talk about certain things, I keep thinking that you are losing yourself and better than how you come across as of lately. In a way no matter what you do, I will always care about you ... but the reality is that I really shouldn't at all. You have said things to me that you pass off something else, but the reality is that I have just let some of the commentary just go to remain the peace between you and I. I think more sooner than later, it will be time for me to remove myself from this situation. Our whole relationship is conditional anyways (but from your side) and I simply can't do this for too much longer. You would have an attitude of not giving a shit when it happens (cause it's "whatever"), but deep down I know you care about me more so than you choose to vocalize. I'm not dumb, but you have pretty much dug your own grave with me. It's all simply too little, too late really and I'm kind of okay with that.

3. Ha it's going to be a weird transition once summer officially hits, but we will always be legit broski's for life really. We have never had any beef between us, which really says volumes when you think about it. Long live the longboard and fuck the chickenheads.

4. You... you are someone who doesn't ever seem to fucking get it. It's almost been a year and yet still you expect everything to be the way it was before. I'm sorry but that can't happen and certainly will not happen. You can say what you will and cry and say you want an us, but no.. it's simply just not there anymore. I had no choice but to move on because of the actions you did. You are the kind of girl who is very typical in many instances, but this time around you just need to give up. I offer myself when you need to talk (which I have been holding my end of the bargain... especially two days ago when we hung out) but that is the extension of myself. You tried to make something more of the scenario than you should have. And if what happened two days ago keeps happening with your bursts of honesty/feelings (like it always does) then I also need to remove myself from you. I'm so glad everything hs related will be done once the 7th officially rolls around... maybe you should take that as some food for thought.

5. Another broski of mine who will always be a long standing dude of mine. I think you will become president before I do. Broads try to hound you like white on rice, yet you always maintain your cool. And yeah, I do realize that things will be different once August rolls around, but our paths will always still be in line with one another. Lulz we will always have the Haleigh factor in our lives as it is.

6. You called me a few hours ago as I was sleeping and you actually woke me up, we talked for close to three hours and it was nice. Now I'm sitting here writing about you and you will never even know about it (sneaky, sneaky). Anyways, you know for someone I only hung out with for a total of four days while being in Washington from spring break I got to say that you are one hell of a girl. You know sytycd was great for this reason and also for other minute reasons. You certainly give me way too much credit though and you do not give yourself enough. I remember when it was just you and I at that joint we ate, it was just fucking chill. You are an insane dancer and are one of the best people I have ever met. It's like I have known you longer than I have, lol you vocalize a lot to me and I know it comes from a true place. You said a lot today (you always do say a lot) but this time around it was a little different. Haha, I'm glad Lacson liked me too from what you were saying, we should collab one of these days with whoever sees the who first. Auto-dubs, auto-dibs.

7. You and I go through very dramatic cycles. Why is that? I'm normally quite chill and so passive aggressive, yet with you it all seems to crumble. The past is something I can never shake with you, I have certainly "tried" to but fail miserably at it. At the same time even you know I have the right to shrug off things you say to me. You put me on a pedestal now, yet before I was simply just there before. How does that work? Why is it when people are ready to say fuck off and walk out the door that people all of a sudden care and say how they really feel? It's bizarre to me, but again you aren't the only person who has played this sorta bs with me either. I guess sometimes it takes an extreme for people to open their eyes... yeah that's it. I don't get why you think it just be so easy for things to be how they "used" to be. Ha, you see how that worked out for us right?

8. I hope national holidays are named after you someday. You certainly are one of the most genuine people I know. Again, not sure why you even give me half the credit you do but words can never repay how great I think you are. I know things are winding down soon and you have voiced already how much you are going to miss me, but believe me I do promise to follow through with what you wanted to do before you jet off early this summer for the missions shit you got to do. I think what happened earlier this year created an even stronger bond with us, and I'm glad that you asked me to be the one to help you out with all that. I still remember that day like it was yesterday, lol you provided me with one of the best conversations/moments I have ever had in my life. I'm also glad you think of that day in the same way, you shared a lot with me that day and I was just happy I could be there with you. Lmao at the restaurant and what the hostess said about us, ha pretty ironic/weird shit to say the least. It was weird though because I could understand why she said what she said though.. eyes really do tell the whole story.

9. Fuck you, okay not quite but I will own you in tennis soon enough. I don't give a fuck if you have four more years on me not dude. On a serious note though, you're another part of the sovereign brotherhood of the group. Oh and one day we will follow through with the crew concept for sure man.

10. You'll be making some kind of legitimate history some day I am sure. I'll be bragging that I know you and that we go way back when it happens too... the end.

11. A few days ago we got into a long, long discussion. I think this discussion gave me a new prospective of you. I was legitimately happy we had this discussion because it provided some depth about you that apparently I have been missing out on. I know it's like sometimes I have a wall with you, but it's really because I'm always the one who tries to keep the peace and not make things about myself ever. Your life story is incredible and granted you just came around into our town like a year ago, you certainly are in the same rank as everyone else we both happen to associate with.

12. The Amazing Race, I'm down for it when we are both eligible for it. Probably the most brill. idea you have ever come up with, you and I would make good tv with our bromance.

13. I'm just stoked for the summer really and can't wait to be officially done with school (on the 2nd) and graduate on the 7th. I'm glad my mom came around to the idea of me taking time off. I know my dad has ALWAYS been in favor of it, but with her there was heavy discussion with it. I remember the two hour talk between her and my dad about it and it was probably the hardest thing I have ever had to endure. It was good having my dad on my side but for the most part I asked him not to say a whole lot. What my mother said that day was hard to chew, because when she was explaining things she was almost balling. It's good to know that my parents care so much about me and I'm glad I make them proud. It's cliche as fuck, but really it kills me inside to know if I have ever disappointed them in any way, shape, or form. I'm glad I haven't though for the most part and I have every intention of living the kind of life that is well respected and that makes me happy. (oh and this is obviously about me)

I had more people I wanted to touch on, but I'm tired as fuck now. This vent/thought entry was much needed, so it's essentially a success. Must do a part II to this tomorrow or later this week, I missed a few points/people.

Monday 11 May 2009

1:44 am, why am I up again?

Mother's Day... a day where hallmark gets some serious mad loot.. but on the flip side its a day to show some legitimate appreciation for mothers. Ha, what a fucking catch 22. Anyways, my family and I went full out for my mom today (well yesterday technically speaking) and I spent close to two benjamins with her gift, flowers, and etc. She was happy today.. so it was entirely worth it. My dad went full out for her today as well, he's such a whipped man~

Note to self: I need to re-evaluate a few things/people, but I'm going to bed. I'll proceed with this later today maybe. There is some fat I need to cut out and I'm certainly not talking about literal "fat" Time to sleep now, definitely need some it's almost 2am.

Monday 4 May 2009

The You Should Cheer Up Entry.

...because clearly it's my job to cheer you up when you are down? (but not exactly.)

So I guess this is where I try and cheer you up? Let's cross our fingers here and hope that it's not too badly of a fail, or else this is a big waste of time.

I'll start off by saying this and I'm sure this isn't anything new with what I am going to say but still.. I need to say it. Being straight up here it's a little baffling to me that you seem to have guys in your life who don't respect you. (at least from my pov). To me you are quite ravishing, intelligent (from an academic standpoint), interesting, current, truthful, and can open to those who deserve to have that openness from your side of things. I don't get bored by you and really you are someone who is quite noteworthy to say the least. I think its like you personally know that sorta self sabotage yourself with certain guys just because, but the reality is that you deserve a guy who is going to treat you as well as you will treat him. On paper you are pretty close to an ideal girl of even my own taste. You sure us guys are kinda of stupid at times, but it seems like the ones you deal with all have this same underlying theme of asshole proportions. You are great, you are above the whole weekend/hookup girl thing, you are simply capable of so many things, and you are giving when you need to be. You know part of me sorta feels like you underrate yourself and its a real shame too. Granted, I'm just some random person saying this.. I am being honest here. I'm sure this won't cheer you up, but even if this gave you a smile for .3 seconds.. then this was worth writing. There is plenty more I could say, but I won't.. I don't want to get too cheesy here or say too much. Just realize, it's simply not worth reminiscing thoughts for someone who can't see what is right in front of him time and time again.

I'll probably be deleting this entry, but I'm sure you will get to reading this in the uh near future.

Friday 1 May 2009

It's pretty late, so why the fuck am I up?

Oh I know why I'm up, because per usual my sleeping pattern is utterless shit really. Anyways, I'm really thinking of buying a guitar. I'm Asian, I need to work on being able to own at everything and guitar playing is next on my list. I mean I basically play by ear already, might as well invest in one. Knowing me though I won't put much thought into this again, but hey at least this concept is being christened in this "dope as fuck" blog. The dude at the guitar joint that Mike and I were at was a beast at playing. He was trying to get me to buy this sick stat, but I had to step back from it. If I were to of dropped the benjamins for a guitar it would most def. be an acoustic if anything.. so it was a fail from the dudes end. Anyways, I think were going back there this weekend with a few others so Mike can make a finalized choice in the matter and whatever. Dude is crazy for wanting to drop 2k on a guitar, but PRS guitars are pretty dope.

Anyways, I need to make a legit list of things to do before I die. I randomly decided this when I was on the phone talking to Mo for a short period of time. See I wasn't actually listening to what was being said, so my mind was uhhh wandering to say the least.

Okay, so yeah.. there is this girl who gives me butterflies. Ughhh she is seriously the jelly to my peanut butter sandwich. The california roll to my sushi. She's like the melody to a song. She's the bassline to a radiohead song. She's like the wonderwall of my existence. She is the taters to my ketchup obv. And here I am being a facetious fuck. Wait a second, lol I'm not being serious.

Now I'm going to listen to some legit music and sleep soon.

The end.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

12:37 am

So I should be sleeping.. but I'm not ha. I really have a shitty ass sleeping pattern, I need to work on that. I keep thinking about this same thing over and over again. Ha, this shit is so weird, but I suppose it's eye opening. When I'm not in a nonsensical state of mind, I think I'm actually going to try and figure out why this thought is linger in my mind as of lately. Maybe this is something good, even if I am brushing it off like it isn't..

random blurb but, your lack of sleep makes me kiss the ground that I am about to go to sleep myself HAHA. No seriously though, quit psyching yourself out and shit. I'm sure you will be fine and what not, I mean I don't really give a shit about you but still.. yeah. Ha, good luck with uhh everything.

The end for now, time to sleep.. long overdue.

Sunday 26 April 2009

The Entry of Greatness.. (Or let's pretend it is)

So I guess this is my first legit entry in this blog of greatness and rice. Anyways, today was a pretty mellow day actually. Did the per usual Sunday church gig, chilled, did a super legit seven mile run with Kasen, was lazy again for quite some time, went out for some sushi with the inner circle of my main group, and now I'm back to being lazy/doing random spurts of homework.

Kelsey.. I'm talking to her on the phone at the moment and she is blabbing up a storm. Lmao she keeps talking about how much I have changed from when she first met me six years ago. It's quite interesting to hear about other people talk about yourself, it's like a new prospective is always put in place. Ha, this girl speaks about me in such a incredible way.. it's simple bizarre to me. Weird that she isn't here though since her parentals had to relocate to the sucky ass state of Georgia. Oh well, she'll always hold some importance for me no matter what. I can't see her not being a part of my existence.

Anyways, Lol I'm going to christen this blog with a bit of an ode to a good friend of mine with some statements:

-Hey you just may be the only person I know who likes the Jonas Brothers, yet you also listen to Pearl Jam.. quite a clusterfuck of a difference right there.
-Perhaps it's your sarcasm that always entertains me or maybe its your intelligence, who knows. I never get bored by you and your ravishing self.
-You're a reliable person, which I dig.. most people suck in that department.
-Won't lie, there are times I randomly laugh at things you say and crack a mad grin as well.
-I feel bad when I am right all the time and you are wrong, I'm sorry that has to suck :/
-Even if you have had many threesomes in your lifetime and probably will be having one this week, I still do respect you.
-One of these days, in honor of your amazing taste in food.. I totally plan on eating ramens and cheetos. I totally trust your palette and judgment.. har.
-Thank you for the introduction of failblog, life has been changed forever since the day you showed me it.
-I can't wait for the free cakes for life when you open your bakery down the road in life, if you need an investor.. let me know.
-You're a lot smarter (well from an intellectual standpoint) than you give yourself credit for. You are very intelligent, it's brilliant.
-Talking to you is sorta just been a very good experience thus far, and to think I absolutely hated you at one point in time,
-You know it really does baffle me how dudes treat you so poorly, on paper you basically sound like the ideal girl to me imo. Then again I am asian and brilliant, so you know.. take that how you want to.
-Lol, your smile can probably light up a room basically. God spent a little extra time on you clearly.
-Really though I just have a tremendous amount of respect for who you are. You are someone who is entirely noteworthy and I always hope has the best out of life. You're meant for great things and I have no doubt in my mind that you will do all you want out of life. Saying thank you to you is an understatement, but it will have to suffice for now.

This concludes my blog I think, because I am getting lazy and to be perfectly honest I need to finish this work for international business.

Random, but If Linds and Martsen are correct about me being the first asian president.. I have a large hurdle to cross ha.

The end.